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Parthiv; a million narratives

Aesthetically inspired by the Indian Subcontinent, Parthiv is a visual narrative capturing the beauty and essence of the region. Every product is inspired by a different aspect, and in turn, exhibits a unique story.


Drawing from the various colours and textures of India, geographic as well as manmade, we attempt to create modern and minimal products, made in India, that appeal to the modern Indian, holding him close to his roots. 


Parthiv offers handcrafted apparel and lifestyle products created by rural artisans from across India. These artisans are gifted with the talent and traditional skills to craft exquisite designs in styles that are unique to their culture and heritage.


Parthiv products offer contemporary designs, all reasonably priced. Proceeds from sales help these artisans help themselves – Our mission is to encourage Indians from less privileged backgrounds to acquire new skills; to give them the self-confidence and self-esteem required to earn by their own industry and initiative and to enable them to carry this newly discovered skill and confidence into the wider world. Parthiv understands the rich culture and traditions that these rural communities are steeped in and translates this heritage into products by pairing traditional art with contemporary designs and modern processes.


Parthiv has been identified as a promising means of generating livelihood for hundreds of rural artisans, and has made a significant contribution to the lives of the artisans working with it, which has helped improve their economic as well as social status. 


We continue our march towards fulfilling our vision of being a brand that symbolises empowerment of rural and semi-urban artisans while recognising and promoting traditional handicraft techniques that are in danger of dying out with increased industrial growth and rapid urbanisation.


At present, over 2300 rural artisans are benefiting from this programme, with a goal to reach 5,000 over the next five years. They are earning a monthly income of Rs 500 to Rs 16,000 depending on the hours they work at home or the centre, their skill level and design difficulty. The idea is to ensure that the women can work at their pace and in their homes while managing their household. Special training on costs,, designs and visual merchandising coupled with factory visits are provided on an ongoing basis to keep the them in touch with the latest trends, colours and fashions.


We strive to bring the traditions of India to customers all around the world with our unique creations and products. It not only helps its artisans become wage earners, but also spreads awareness about the traditional crafts of the region, thus helping preserve a rich part of India’s national cultural heritage.

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